What pentesters seek during website scans and how Pingkat can help You



Automated Scanning Tools:

Pentesters (or hackers) often use automated scanning tools to systematically analyze websites for vulnerabilities. These tools, such as OpenVAS, Nessus, and Burp Suite, enable efficient and comprehensive scans by identifying common issues like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure configurations.

Manual Scanning Techniques:

While automated tools are powerful, manual scanning is essential for uncovering nuanced vulnerabilities that may escape automated detection. Skilled pentesters delve deep into a website's code, architecture, and business logic, scrutinizing each element for potential weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.

Worst Findings in Website Pentesting

1. Critical Data Breaches

Pentesters may discover vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive databases or storage systems.


If exploited by malicious actors, such vulnerabilities can result in critical data breaches, compromising sensitive information such as customer data, financial records, or intellectual property.

Pingkat v1.5



Initial version of the app had bunch of issues. I used task queue lib (bullMQ), to keep every single ping as a separate entry. For any given url, I put about 8000 entry to the queue.

Initial release!




I found the lack of similar tools in the market - zero configuration tool for both pentesters and www owners.
